Nakhodka is the second largest city in the Primorsky region and the second greatest Pacific port of Russia.
Fast facts:
Founded in 1907, became a city in 1950
Population: 191,800 people (including population of adjacent Vrangel and Livadia settlements that are under the city Administration).
Location: Nakhodka is situated on the coast of the Nakhodka bay in South Primorye.
Distance to Vladivostok: 180 km (by highway), 207 km (by rail), 120 km (by sea)
Economy: Foreign trade – there are four ice-free ports in Nakhodka, including the Commercial Port, specializing in scrap, machinery and timber, the Fishing Port, Oil Port and a deep Vostochny Port whose terminals handle coal, containers and fertilizers. Other important branches of industry are shipping, ship repair, fishing and fish processing, construction. Nakhodka and the adjacent Partizansky region form Nakhodka Free Economic Zone (FEZ).
What to see:
- Stone of Friendship – a granite stone of irregular form brought from the Japanese sister-city Maidzuru in 1978 to commemorate 17 years of friendship between the two cities.
- One of the walls of the building located and 2 Vladivostokskaya st., houses the Pyramid hotel, can be called “the Wall of Friendship”, for in 1972 the relief pictures of the Coats of Arms of 3 linked cities – Nakhodka, Otaru and Maidzuru – were mounted over the wall with corresponding inscriptions in Russia, Japanese and English.
- The Garden of Stones, similar to the Garden of Stones in Kioto, which is otherwise called the Philosophic Garden or the Garden of Reandzi. Fifteen black rough stones are scattered on white sand, and from whatever direction you look at them you will always see 14 stones, the 15th is obstructed by the other stones. The Founders of the Garden are Takagi Kapchi, Mayor of Tsuruga, and Bukhanov, Mayor of Nakhodka.