Vladivostok (that means “to possess the East” in the Russian language) is a capital and the largest city of Primorye. It is also the largest port at the Russian Far East, that is why it is called sometimes the Eastern Marine gate of Russia. It is located in the Southern extremity of Muravyov-Amursky peninsula of Primorye, whish as about 30 km long and 12 km wide. The area of the city totals 600 sq. km. The city is washed by the Amursky Gulf in the West, Ussuiysky Gulf in the East, and famous for a most convenient internal never-freezing bay called Golden Horn Bay. Vladivostok shares the same latitude with Nizza, New York and Chicago. The longest railroad in the world – Transsiberian railroad – starts here. Population is 659,000 people. Vladivostok is a crossing point of many important airways. Vladivostok is situated at the edge of a mountain ridge and the ocean that bring to the city unique charm and beauty. The spirit of Vladivostok is its unusual landscape. The buildings are amphitheatre like placed on the slopes of the hills. You can observe half of the city from any point of the hills. The highest hill is the Orlinoye Gnezdo (the Eagle’s Nest) hill where the best view point was arranged. The height of the hill is 214 m. Vladivostok has Far Eastern spirit, and at the same time European spirit, so that such mixture results in particular appearance that charms all guests and newcomers.
What to see:
- The Headquarters of the Pacific Fleet and the famous submarine C-56, which sank 10 faschist ships during World War II. The submarine was put on the pedestal and turned into museum, so that the visitors can come inside of it to see the historical exhibits and such sections as the ensign section, periscope, torpedo section.
- Triumph Arch after Tsesarevich Nikolay, built in 1981 to commemorate the visit of the future last Emperor of Russia to Vladivostok. The Arch was completely destroyed at Soviet time and built again according to the old pictures in 2003.
- Vladivostok Railway Terminal, built in 1911 and recognized as a monument of architecture for its beauty and fascinated design.
- Milestone 9 288 km – the biggest figure in the world, showing the distance between the capital of Russia Moscow and its terminus Vladivostok.
- Vladivostokskaya Fortress, constructed at the end of XIX c. and considered the strongest marine fortress in the world. A ship’s cannon is placed at Bezymyannaya battery of the fortress nowadays. A shot is fired from this cannon at noon sharp to mark the exact time.
- The Vladivostok Funicular is the only one in Russia. The length of the railway totals 180 meters. Ascending on the highest hill of Vladivostok “Orlinoye Gnezdo” hill at the height about 214 m takes 1.5 minutes.
- Monument to Lenin at the Railway Station Square.
- Monument to the Fighters for the Soviet Power in the Far East at the Central Square.
- Viewpoints where one can observe the various aspects of the city: on the Orlinoye Gnezdo hill, in the Southern extremity of the Shkot peninsula, in the area of Tikhaya Bay, etc.
- And other memorial buildings dated by early XIX c. carefully preserved as they looked more than 100 hundred years ago, monuments of the pre-revolutionary and Soviet epochs to the explorers of the Far East, seamen, military men who contributed to development and independence of Primorye, etc.